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What is CAPRI?

The CAPRI is designed as a collaborative Practice Based Research Network (PBRN) that enables interested researchers and clinicians to undertake practice-based research relevant for the profession, patients and society. The CAPRI database consists of information collected from physiotherapist-clinicians using an online questionnaire. The data collected will form the CAPRI database, that can be used to facilitate various research questions.

The participation of clinician-physiotherapists is essential to the delivery and success of CAPRI. All  clinically active physiotherapists across Australia are invited to participate (see “How can I participate in CAPRI”).

Benefits for Participating

As a consenting participating you benefit in several ways:

Actively contribute to and support ongoing studies focusing upon specific topics of your interest

Receive CAPRI updates and newsletters regarding different research projects to make sure you are up to date concerning evidence-based knowledge relevant for your care

You will play an important role in shaping the future research direction and outcomes of physiotherapist-focused research

Your specific practice profile and experiences are counted in the CAPRI research projects

CAPRI can Help

Address many potential research questions

  • How cost-efficient is physiotherapy care?
  • What range of benefits do patients gain from their physiotherapy care?
  • What is the safety and risk of physiotherapy care?
  • What influences patient decision-making regarding physiotherapy consultations and follow-up care?
If you are a physiotherapist practising in Australia we urge you to participate in CAPRI. Your participation on both the practitioner survey and database are vital to the delivery and success of CAPRI and all research output from CAPRI in the future.

How can I participate in CAPRI?

Participation is easy. Please see the links to the information sheet, and the questionnaire (with embedded database consent question).

When you have filled in the CAPRI practitioner questionnaire you will see the opportunity to join the CAPRI practitioner database by agreeing on the database consent question.

If you agree to be included in the CAPRI practitioner database, your details will be entered into the password protected database and your responses to the accompanying CAPRI practitioner questionnaire will be stored.

Your information will inform the possible engagement for further sub-studies on specific topics and issues in physiotherapy care. To clarify: your consent to be included in the practitioner database does not automatically lead to your involvement in any future sub-studies. Your involvement in future sub-studies will be entirely at your discretion and you will be able to decide to participate or not participate in future sub-studies on a study-by-study basis and with no consequence to you.

For more information please see the information sheet.

If you still have questions or would like to discuss your participation in more detail please let us know by email at